Ramsay State School has a dress code that is expected. Uniforms are to be worn as they discourage competition between children in dress and reflect a sense of belonging and pride in the school.
The uniform shop is run by Ramsay State School P&C. Please phone 36409140 to arrange a suitable time for the convenor to open the uniform area.
Children wear black jogger type shoes with their uniforms.
Summer uniform
Royal blue and gold polo shirt - available at school - $30
Royal blue shorts -available at various department store
Royal blue socks - available at school - $5
School hat - available at school - $15
Black covered-in shoes or sneakers
Royal blue and gold polo shirt - available at school - $30
Royal blue shorts or royal blue culottes - available at various department stores
Royal blue socks - available at school - $5
School hat - available at school - $15
Black covered-in shoes or sneakers
Winter uniform
Summer uniform plus the options listed below:
Layering of clothes for extra warmth is encouraged. Options include royal blue skivvies or royal blue jumpers to wear underneath spray jacket.
Students are strongly encouraged to have the full school uniform, particularly when representing the school.