A big Ramsay welcome to our School
On behalf of the Ramsay State School P&C, welcome to our website. Ramsay State School is an integral facet of this special, welcoming community. The success of our great school is definitely in part due to the strong relationship between the school and the P&C. We value and support the Principal and staff so that they can assist our children to reach their full potential academically and socially.
Our fundraising efforts raise substantial funds so that we can help to keep the student /teacher ratio low, allowing teachers and teacher aides to work with the students in small groups for most areas of the curriculum. Frequently our fundraising events bring the community together to relax and enjoy social events with the common goal of improving outcomes for the children of our school and our local community.
Our fundraising is diverse. Our talented catering group have a fantastic reputation, catering for many local events including the local Camp Draft, local auctions and property sales, Cluster Professional Development Days, Sports Days and our weekly tuckshop. Race Days, Sundowner Evenings and Auctions have all been excellent fundraisers. The P&C has also had great success in obtaining grants for the school.
The P&C also provide input into departmental educational documents which shape the future path of our growing school. The P&C financially support the employment of an extra teacher as well as provide many extra resources such as computers and IPad etc.
The P&C also successfully operate the Uniform shop, Book club and organise a Book Fair once a year.
We look forward to you visiting our friendly rural school and look forward to welcoming you into our school community.
Ramsay P&C